Dakota’s Solutions provides quick and reliable solutions for producing information that can be used in a multitude of ways.
The solutions are just durable. The solutions they built for us [7+ years ago] are still being used today.

We provide solutions that empower users across the entire company. Our success in developing and implementing these solutions stems from our energy industry experience and business intelligence know-how.
Since 2000, we have worked with our clients to help identify areas of concern across their businesses. No matter the problem, our goal is to develop solutions that will help our clients achieve financial and operational success.
The biggest thing is the integration. Nobody gets that integration piece right – they did, starting from your budgeting process all the way through to matching actuals into your forecasts and budgets for comparison.
They understand oil and gas. They understand how the different types of data in oil and gas companies fit together. They’re very creative in coming up with solutions to meet your needs.
Bruno Geremia

There is a lot of buzz around Business Intelligence, data visualization and data-driven analysis, so what makes Dakota’s solutions different?
We focus on integrating data and empowering companies with easy access to their information so that they can uncover cost savings, opportunities and business insights. Once data is easy to slice and dice the solutions more than double their return on investment.
A Dakota solution is rooted in data integrity, corporate business foundations and consistent information across every report, dashboard or user created analysis in excel.
Financial Reporting
Improve efficiency and insight through centralized and accessible financial data and reports that promote collaboration across the organization. Dakota’s Financial solutions enable timely and accurate decisions with reports tailored to your organization’s specific needs.
- Year End Reporting
- Monthly and Quarterly Packages
- Improved Business Process
- Balance Sheet
- Income Statement
- Cash Flow
- Financial Workflow
- Drill-down to Line item
- Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable Reporting
- Accruals Automation and workflow
- MD&A Automation
- ESTMA Reporting
Budgeting and Forecasting
Provide a complete and closed-loop process for budgeting and forecasting driving ongoing business improvement. Using a framework which leverages your chart of accounts, Dakota’s planning solutions help improve the efficiency and reliability of the entire planning process.
- Consolidated Budgeting solutions
- Actual-Forecast Blends
- OPEX and Operational Planning
- Budget Workflow
- Versioning and scenario analysis
Operations Reporting
Deliver a complete suite of operational reporting capabilities central to understanding relationships that exist between strategy and operational processes. Quickly discover assets that are profitable or underperforming to take decisive and swift action.
- Lease Ops Reports
- Netback Analysis ($/boe) down to the well level
- OPEX Budget vs Actuals
- OPEX Accruals Automation
- Vendor Analysis
- OPEX Key Performance Indicators
- Drill down to invoice images
Capital Reporting
Tying into the company's property and account hierarchy, teams can quickly and continuously identify where they are on their capital spend. Dakota provides a complete capital integration and reporting solution that spans the entire organization.
- Budget to Actuals Comparison
- Estimates to Actuals Variance
- Project Based Budgets
- Profitability Analysis
- Capital AFE Estimates vs Actual Spend
- Project based reporting
- AFE Supplement Notification and Management
- Capital Accruals Workflow
- Vendor Analysis
- Drilling and Completions Reporting and KPIs
Production Volumes Analysis
Provide quick and actionable insight into production data, making it easily accessible to users throughout an organization. Hone in on wells that are not performing and identify the reasons behind it.
- Daily Volumes and Production Reports
- Volumes Variance to Forecast Analysis
- Sales Estimates vs Actuals
- Shrinkage and Yields Analysis
- Well Capability and Downtime Reporting
- Decline Rates and Type Curve Analysis
Competitive Analysis
Open the doors to new insights by combining your data with public records utilizing modern self-serve BI. Dive in on analog areas by using intuitive filters and map selections. Develop comparative type curves using averages on normalized production charts and semi-log rate cum charts. Maximize statistical insight using cumulative probability distributions to help aid well optimization techniques.
- Formation Analysis
- Well Optimization
- Frac and Completions Analysis
- Mapping and Location Analysis
Workforce Planning
Bring together all of your Human Resource data to analyze and plan your company's corporate structure. HR teams can identify existing knowledge and skill gaps, forecast the company's needs and develop sound strategies.
- Workforce Planning
- Benefits Compensation Modeling
- Compensation Budgeting
Master Data and Data Integrity Tools
Underpinning every Dakota solution is data integrity and the concept of “one source of truth”. If your data can’t be relied upon, then why analyze it or make crucial business decisions on inaccurate information? Dakota’s Master Data solutions combine data from internal and public data sources to ensure that your company has a complete source of records. We also help find and resolve data issues so data maintenance is easy and seamless.
- Master Well List
- Well Count Reports for ARO/ Directive 13 Reporting
- Well Status Change Notifications
- System to System Exception Reports
- Data Discrepancy Alerts

Our reporting has improved so much from where it was before we brought in Dakota. We really get down into the details and analyze where we are spending our money.